To Alan

To Alan:
                I want you to know that your friends and family are very proud of you for your dedication, focus, and sacrifice you are currently making on a daily basis to support yourself, Beckie, Holly, and Lisa, though Beckie is working, Holly is looking for work, and so is Lisa. Suffice to say, without your support, love, and devotion, they might not have a roof over their heads or food on the table when they themselves are in a bit of a tight spot. You are currently working 8 hours a day+, 7 days a week, which to be blunt, does not allow you to do anything else. You are sacrificing more then most people would, but you know it’s for a great causethe future. You should know your friends and family commend you on that from the bottom of our hearts, and we are extremely proud to know you!
               That said, please do not forget to take good care of yourself, as well as others. Be sure to eat and sleep right, and to never take your friendships or relationships for granted, as we all tend to do from time to time.
We love ya, Pal, and don’t you ever forget that!

1 Response to “To Alan”

  1. 1 Cicero August 21, 2005 at 7:09 pm

    thanks…well shit, now I did read someone\’s blog, now didn\’t I? Ah well.

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